Is our beloved Windows XP really dead?
Microsoft would like you to think so as there are a lot of new Windows 8 machines collecting dust on store shelves. I however think there is still some life in good old XP. Don’t let the lack of updates scare you away, the big M has not released an XP update worth anything in about 10 years anyway so I say let it ride. Heres how to keep it working for you into the future and stay safe doing it:
1. Run some kind of antivirus (see my post on why I like FREE anti-virus for more on that)
2. Run an alternate browser like Chrome or Firefox. Internet Explorer got cut off from the update gravy train years ago and will be stuck in time on Version 8, yuck. Go with Google Chrome so you will always have an updated and safe portal to the web.

So don’t stick a fork in your old computer just yet, at least not until they come up with a fix for Windows 8!  🙂